
E-book “Be the center of your Universe”


E-BOOK Be the center of your Universe

I am Stoyana. Founder of “Academy Happy life”, motivator, inspirer, writer, a philanthropist, an unbreakable dreamer and optimist. My mission is to help people discover their talents and to live the life of their dreams. From time immemorial humans have cast a glance towards the space, towards the universe seeking and investigating the immensity, the inexplicable, the high order. The word “universe” itself means everything existing, everything real. You are reading this book at the moment, so you think and exist. But the “immenseness” is not just the universe, the cosmos, the galaxy and the stars. Immensity is also the way we think. Immensity is our ego, our spirit and soul.


Hello, dear readers!

I am Stoyana. Founder of “Academy Happy life”, motivator, inspirer, writer, a philanthropist, an unbreakable dreamer and optimist. My mission is to help people discover their talents and to live the life of their dreams. From time immemorial humans have cast a glance towards space, towards the universe seeking and investigating the immensity, the inexplicable, the high order. The word “universe” itself means everything existing, everything real. You are reading this book at the moment, so you think and exist. But the “immenseness” is not just the universe, the cosmos, the galaxy and the stars. Immensity is also the way we think. Immensity is our ego, our spirit and soul. This book will help you take a peep at the deepest secrets of your essence. To travel in your inner universe. I will tell you about simple and approachable methods to change the way you think and accept yourselves. Are you ready for this journey? How to love yourself? In the first chapter of this book, we will talk about loving ourselves since this love is at the root of a fulfilled life. In order to love others, first, we need to be able to love ourselves. By loving ourselves we can experience all the beautiful human emotions.

You often ask me “Why do I have so many problems in my life?” and the answer is not very surprising. You have so many problems in your life because you do not love and appreciate yourself. You put yourself at the bottom of your list of values. You depreciate yourself. In order to understand this, I will ask you to write down your list of values in life. Describe how you estimate yourself and what is the level of value in your life for the following five aspects: partner, lover, your children and parents, money and your favourite hobbies. I will tell you how, according to the psychologists, it needs to be, taking into account my own experience as well. You always need to put yourself as a number one priority in your life; in the second place always need to be your money, hobbies, favourite job, things you love doing; third – your partner or the love of your life; number four – your children and lastly – your parents. Anything you put before yourself is your problem zone.

Every time you step over these laws the problems in your life begin to occur. God lives in you. You are His favourite child and He always takes care of your well-being with love. Putting something or someone before you, becoming too attached to someone, money, idea, or whatever you brake a basic God’s rule – ‘You shall not make idols’. Putting anything before you and your God makes you start doubting that the Universe is abundant and full of resources and you become a victim of scarce thinking that there is not enough for everybody, especially for you. With this, you insult God’s consciousness. Anything will be given to you, as long as you honour the divine in you and keep your priorities in order. We are on this wonderful planet for a short time. Some of us are here for only a few years, others for longer, but the meaning of life is to discover your divine potential, to help the others with your gifts and to turn your own life into heaven and live in happiness and pleasure. You can achieve this only if you know, value and love yourself and through living with the mission to help the others and the world to become a better place.


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